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Weekend Forecast Looks Great To View Peak Of Perseid Meteor Shower

By Chris Spears

DENVER (CBS4) - If you're hoping to view this weekend's peak of the annual Perseid Meteor Shower, dubbed one of the best each year, then we have good news with regard to Colorado's weather forecast.

Most of the state should experience clear to mostly clear skies each night.

Experts say up to 75 meteors will be possible per hour as Earth passes through debris from the Swift-Tuttle comet.

For the best viewing, move away from city lights and look to the north.

Allow about 20 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark.

RELATED: Perseid, The Most Popular Summer Meteor Shower, Peaks This Weekend

More information about the Perseid's can be found in the article linked above.

Meteorologist Chris Spears travels weekly in the CBS4 Mobile Weather Lab reporting about Colorado's weather and climate. Check out his bio, connect with him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter @ChrisCBS4.

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