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A Phenomenon Known As 'Snow Pillars' Shine Bright In Breckenridge

BRECKENRIDGE (CBS4) - Early Sunday morning after the snow stopped falling, Michael Bauer captured this gorgeous scene from just outside downtown Breckenridge.

The effect of the lights shooting into the air is known as snow pillars. Ed Greene and Meteorologist Justin McHeffey say it happens when lingering ice crystals in the air refract the light from the city.

Bauer says he's told friends about this sight before, but they wouldn't believe him.

"I've seen this phenomenon happen several times over the past years, where the ice crystals in the air would deflect beams of light straight into the sky. I would tell people about this phenomenon but they would never believe me," Bauer said. "Well this morning I was finally able to capture it with my camera, and what a peaceful morning this turned out to be."

What a peaceful morning indeed.

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