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Wolf Creek Ski Area Digs Out Snowcat Completely Buried By Recent Snowfall

PAGOSA SPRINGS, Colo. (CBS4) -- Crews at Wolf Creek Ski Area in Pagosa Springs had to do some serious shoveling to dig out buried treasure! One of their snowcats was completely covered by the recent snowfall. The only indication of its location was a pole sticking up out of the snow.

buried snowcat 1 credit Augie Sparrow
(credit: Augie Sparrow via Wolf Creek Ski Area)

They shared photos of the giant project on social media.

buried snowcat 2 credit Augie Sparrow
(credit: Augie Sparrow via Wolf Creek Ski Area)

"Mining for the goods… extraction of the Horseshoe Bowl Snowcat has begun."

buried snowcat 3 credit Augie Sparrow
(credit: Augie Sparrow via Wolf Creek Ski Area)

The snowcat was completely covered under several feet of snow.

According to the ski area's website, the resort has had 217 inches of snow so far this season.

wolf creek buried snowcat 2 credit davey pitcher
(credit: Davey Pitcher)

Resort officials said the effort to uncover the snowcat took about 12 hours but is now complete!

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