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'MS Doesn't Stop And Neither Will We': Bike MS Goes Virtual Amid COVID-19

DENVER (CBS4) –  The National MS Society is encouraging all biking enthusiasts to join Bike MS, the virtual format makes the ride completely customizable.

Traditionally, Bike MS is a 150-mile ride over two-days. Cyclists start in Westminster, go to Fort Collins, spend the night, and then ride back the next day. Nearly 3,000 riders participate.

"While we can't come together in person this year for Bike MS Colorado, we can still come together virtually, and make a difference where it really matters the most," said Robyn Moore, President of the Colorado/Wyoming chapter of the National MS Society.

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There are no registration fees, no fundraising minimums, and each rider is encouraged to do the ride any way they feel comfortable. Riders can do the full 150-miles on Colorado's roads and bikeways, or fewer miles on a stationary bike. The key is to make a donation to the organization.

"We definitely still need our fundraising to fulfill our mission and our cause, so join a team and participate. Our goal this year is $1.5 million," explained Moore.

The money raised through Bike MS goes directly to research and to support people who are living with multiple sclerosis.

"MS doesn't stop, and neither will we," Moore told CBS4.

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Anyone participating in Bike MS is encouraged to post their ride with #VirtualBikeMS.

"We will be live on our Bike MS Facebook page on June 27th at 8 a.m. so come join us on our Facebook and celebrate the progress we're still making in MS research and supporting people living with MS," Moore said.

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