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Mother To Advocate For Kids Lemonade Stands In Denver

DENVER (CBS4) - A mother in Denver wants to change a law after her children's lemonade stand was shut down in May.

The city shut it down because the family did not have the necessary permits.

Jennifer Knowles admits the stand violated city codes, but since then, she started a petition to change local laws to make it easier for kids to start lemonade stands.

"I'm Jennifer Knowles, a local Denver mom taking a stand for her kids to make lemonade stands safe and legal for our kids," she said Monday night. "I'm trying to make lemonade stands take a voice for the kids and stand up and create positive change to create lemonade stands legal across my community and ultimately across the country."

If you want to set up a lemonade stand you need a permit similar to hot dog, peanut and sunflower seed vendors outside Coors Field.

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