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Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette Addresses COVID Vaccine Misinformation In Hearing

DENVER (CBS4)- Colorado Congresswoman Diana DeGette is addressing COVID-19 vaccine misinformation. She hosted a hearing and talked about gaining trust.

Hesitancy is an obstacle to getting people vaccinated across the nation. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a study calling it a "major barrier" to reaching herd immunity.

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(credit: CBS)

Kaiser says that 21% of people living in rural areas say they are definitely not getting the vaccine.

DeGette hopes to put an end to misinformation about vaccines.

"Getting this clear messaging to all of our citizens who are confused by the information they're getting that comes from a variety of sources. Misinformation, conspiracy theories, mistrust, etc. I think we need to turn up the volume on the clear information that it's safe, everyone should do it, it's your duty as a family member," said a panel member.

To combat vaccine hesitancy, the White House announced a plan to spend $3 billion to boost public confidence in the vaccines.

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