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Small Business Owner Transforms Space Into Emergency Pantry For Refugee Community

DENVER (CBS4) - Colorado's refugee community is among the hardest hit in the state. According to the Colorado Refugee Services Program, which served more than 5,000 people last year, a large percentage of that population was employed by the hospitality industry or were gig workers.

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Michelle Lasnier was set to open Ruby's Market, an international market where refugees, immigrant artisans and chefs could showcase their work. When coronavirus hit Colorado, her plans changed.

"I'm just hovering so I figure I'm not just not going to not do anything," she said.

Now she's transforming Ruby's Market into Ruby's Emergency Pantry using the now unused space to collect critical food and home items for refugee families in need.

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"Once the closure started happening I knew jobs would possibly be lost and most of our refugee community is employed by the hospitality industry, also at the airport, they were laid off immediately," Lasnier said.

Working with the African Community Center and Lutheran Family Services they customized their care boxes with region-specific goods.

"Some of our most needed items are beans and rice," she said.

Then, volunteers donated their time to pickup and drop-off those boxes on the doorsteps of those families.

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"They are so appreciative they are so happy and they invite you in please come in and have tea share a meal with us and I'm like I wish I could," volunteer Barbara Guglielminotti said about her work.

And while the idea for a pantry was launched in response to a crisis, Lasnier says it may just be another part of her small business.

"People can definitely help by donating and continuing to do that regularly, we do want to see this keep going for the months to come," she said.

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