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How Parents Can Talk To Kids About Canceled Activities Because Of Coronavirus

DENVER (CBS4)- Kids overhear and observe much more than adults think they do and when popular places to visit like the Denver Museum of Nature and Science announce they are closing, that can seem big and scary for kids. All public events that were scheduled to happen at all Denver-owned and operated facilities through April 12 have been canceled due to the coronavirus outbreak.

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"I think it's really important that we don't instill panic in our kids," said Laura-Anne Cleveland, Associate Chief Nursing Officer, of HealthONE's Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children.

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Cleveland has been a nurse for 15 years, she's also a mother of five and understands the anxiety parents are facing with kids out of school and questions about which if any activities are safe.

"It is perfectly okay to go to play dates, but you don't want their friends to have a fever, cough, any of those flu-like symptoms," she said.

Cleveland encourages parents to stress washing hands and to have kids play in outdoor spaces like playgrounds where risk for transmission is lower. If kids do get sick with COVID-19, so far the data has been promising.

"For some reason this is not hitting our children and even the cases that they have seen it got children, it's not severe," said Cleveland.

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We caught up with Marcos Chavez who decided to visit the Denver Zoo with his daughter Kacey.

RELATED: Latest Updates On The Coronavirus Outbreak In Colorado

She turns four years old next month and was excited to see the lions.

"We are at least trying to get out and do something since you can't do too much else, so I figured I'd we came out here to the zoo it's not necessarily a confined area," said Chavez.

This kind of mindful decision-making, without stoking fear is exactly the message Cleveland says our kids need to hear.

"You've got to stop the fear mentality with them, but you want them to be smart," she said.

Additional Information from the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment:

  • Practice good hygiene. Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water. In the absence of soap and water, use hand-sanitizer; use your elbow or sleeve to cover coughs and sneezes
  • Stay home if you're sick; keep your children home if they are sick. The illness can last for many days so make preparations now to work from home if possible.
  • We advise Coloradans to always be prepared for an emergency-- like a large snowstorm-- and have a plan for your family. Make sure to have 72 hours of key supplies on hand like medications, infant formula, diapers, pet food, etc. FEMA guidance for pre-pandemic COVID-19 preparedness is available on
  • Stay informed with reliable, up-to-date information. People who have general questions about coronavirus disease 2019, can call CO HELP at 303-389-1687 or 1-877-462-2911 or email, for answers in English and Spanish (Español), Mandarin (普通话), and more.
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