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'They May Decide To Fight': Spectators Urged To Be Careful Around Bison

COMMERCE CITY, Colo. (CBS4) - It's the viral video that has everyone talking - a group of people walking near a bison in Yellowstone National Park, when the animal charges a little girl, tossing her into the air. It's a scene officials at Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge don't want to see here.

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"It's very important to recognize that these are wild animals and we need to respect that they are wild animals and give them their space," said David Lucas, refuge manager for the refuge.

He says they have a robust herd of 200 bison. They have never had an incident like this because most people who visit their refuge follow the rules and stay in their cars when they view the bison.

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That's good because bison view humans as a predator and if they see you they will react.

"It is a fight or flight instinct that is occurring in these animals," said Lucas. "When we surround them when we get close to them, we expect animals to run away, but often times in that situation when they are stressed, and they are concerned about their own safety they may decide to fight."

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Lucas says if you want to see bison in person be sure to either stay in your car if you are at the refuge or give them plenty of space.

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With a 2,000 pound animal a fence may be more of a suggestion than a deterrent.

"In general 75 to 100 (yards), even up to 275 yards is recommended for wild bison."

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If you decide to go see the herd in Commerce City and you follow the rules, Lucas says it's a great experience to have.

"It's definitely worth coming out and seeing them."

There are also bison up in Genesee at the Buffalo Overlook and in Daniels Park south of Denver, but remember if they appear stressed out you are probably too close and it's time to leave.

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