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It Ain't Over Til It's Over: The Flu Season That's Just Starting To Peak

By Dr. Dave Hnida

(CBS4) -"What do you mean I have the flu?!?!"

That's been a common exclamation over the past couple of weeks as people crawl into the office with fever, chills, and that general I feel like I got hit by a truck.

Yet it's been one of those years.

The flu season is hanging on, and still yet to peak.

Even worse, many of the patients that I've seen have even been immunized---but they have still gotten sick.

So… you're not off the hook. Ugh!

Here's the lowdown:

The CDC says there has been a big jump in flu cases within the past two weeks. (Things usually peaks in late January –February.)

This season is expected to last well into April, and probably sneak into May.

The vaccine effectiveness for this year: 60 percent. That's a lot better than last year's 16 percent.

However, it does seem that most who have been bashed by the bug despite being immunized have had shorter and less severe illness.

Even though we are seeing an uptick in cases, this is still the mildest flu season we have had in about 3 years or so.  I know that doesn't help if you're one of the people who has gotten sick during a mild year. For anyone who gets influenza, there seems to be no such word as "mild" in the definition. You still feel like a dog.

And whether immunized or not, you are still at risk for complications if you get the flu. For younger people, that means pneumonia. For older folks, that can mean heart attack or stroke.

And in all age groups, about 2-3 weeks until you really get over it and get your sea legs back.  Your energy level will be down, and your immune system not quite up to snuff, so you'll be at risk for more common bugs that you otherwise would easily fight off.

So, is it too late to get a flu shot?


And if you've already been immunized? Hold tight and take care of yourself. And if you get sick anyway, we may be able to help. We do have some anti-influenza medication that may help if you start it quickly (meaning within the first 48 hours or so of getting sick.) We do, by the way, have rapid flu tests that will light up positive if you do have influenza.

So that's the influenza scoreboard. Technically a winning season, but it ain't over yet.

So take care of yourself. And for you stubborn folk, remember 60 percent is better than zero percent when it comes to protection.

Good luck.

Dr. Dave Hnida is CBS4's Medical Editor. He blogs about the latest studies and trends in the health world. Read his latest blog entries, check out his bio or follow him on Twitter @drdavehnida


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