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Woman Admits To Beating Man To Death With Baseball Bat

ENGLEWOOD, Colo. (CBS4) - Police say a woman from Englewood confessed to beating a man to death with a baseball bat.

The attack happened in an alley on the 3600 block of South Sherman and South Grant streets over the weekend.

Denzel Rainey's family members brought candles by the location where he was beaten after he died at the hospital.

According to an arrest affidavit, Forsythia Owen, 30, confessed to police that she beat Rainey, 42, with a baseball bat in the alley near her home. She told police she believed Rainey sexually assaulted a child and that was her motivation for the attack.

Rainey's widow, Lisa Rainey, said the father of three was having problems with alcohol abuse but that he would never hurt a child.

"My husband is the most loveable, caring person that I know," Lisa Rainey said.

Lisa Rainey said after some alcohol struggles at home he became homeless and often slept in the alley.

"I just don't know why, what caused her to do this on Denzel, and if Denzel did anything to provoke it," Lisa Rainey said. "I need to know the answers for closure for me and closure for my kids."

According to the arrest affidavit, Owen "swung her hands back and forth and demonstrated how she struck Rainey over and over again" with a baseball bat that she grabbed from home.

Neighbors who often saw Rainey in the area say he was never a problem.

"He never bothered anyone, never stopped anyone, never said anything to anyone. He just really kept to himself a lot," neighbor Veronica Evans said.

Whether a child was actually sexually assaulted hasn't been revealed but Evans said Owen has her own troubles.

"From my understanding of looking at her, you could tell she was on something," Evans said. "That's why my little sister and I would stay away from her."

Owen is being held in the Arapahoe County Detention Center with no bond. She has past arrests for assault.

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