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Lelon Lewis Identified As Pilot Killed In Plane Crash Near Deckers

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (CBS4) - The pilot killed in a plane crash over the weekend has been identified. Lelon Lewis, 66, was the only person on board the plane when it crashed in a rugged area northwest of Deckers on Saturday.

The plane was first reported missing on Saturday. Eventually, the downed plane's location was discovered from aircraft overhead on Sunday.

(credit: CBS)

With assistance from the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, search and rescue personnel with the Alpine Rescue team hiked into the site in the Lost Creek Wilderness and found the single occupant of the plane, identified on Monday afternoon as Lewis, dead.

Sunday Copter_frame_101104
A Civil Air Patrol plane searches the area west of Deckers on Sunday morning. (credit: CBS)

It's unclear what caused the crash but the plane, a single-engine Magnus Fusion 212, was a Hungarian-made sport plane engineered for aerobatics. The Federal Aviation Administration and National Transportation Safety Board are investigating the crash.

Emergency responders received an alert from the Civil Air Patrol just after 8 p.m. Saturday when crews rushed to the scene but were unable to locate the wreckage in the dark.

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