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Irresistible Slope vs. Punishable Conduct: Fresh Powder At Red Rocks Lures Rule-Breakers

MORRISON, Colo. (CBS4) - Fresh, deep powder covering the steep grandstand at an iconic Front Range music venue attracted skiers and snowboarders Monday. There were no lift lines at Red Rocks Amphitheater.

All who took part, though, nearly earned a ticket.

(credit: CBS4)

Skiing at the amphitheater is not allowed, according to a spokesperson with the Denver Parks and Recreation Department.

Cyndi Karvaski said snowshoeing and nordic skiing on Red Rocks Mountain Park trails are permitted and in fact encouraged. But not at the amphitheater.

red rocks skier
(credit: CBS)

Karvaski said the concert area was closed Sunday by parks staff, but several people removed barriers Monday morning to access the concert area and take a few turns toward the stage.

"Security caught up with them," Karvaski said, and the offenders were escorted off the property.

(credit: CBS)

If they had not cooperated, park rangers would have been called in and citations potentially written, she added.

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