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Reggie Wayne Explains What It Means When Peyton Manning Yells 'Omaha'

Bryan Altman

For the better part of two decades football fans have watched Peyton Manning play field general out of the shotgun formation and have heard him screaming out 'Omaha!, Omaha!' over and over again, left to wonder what exactly the word means in a football context.

The call has been a signature of Manning's for quite some time and it's become such a part of his legend that its been made into commercials, prop bets (how many times he'll say it), and even the tourism bureau of Omaha, Nebraska has thanked the quarterback for all of the love.

MORE: Check out CBS 4's Super Bowl Section for wall-to-wall Super Bowl 50 coverage.

But for those wondering why Omaha, or wondering what the call actually means, Peyton's former go-to receiver Reggie Wayne appeared on the NFL Network on Sunday before the game to answer the question.

"Omaha means, he's going the other way," Wayne said on the NFL Network. "If it's a run to the right -- if it's dive right, 'Omaha' is gonna be dive left."

Sounds simple enough, right?

Well, if it were that simple, the call probably would have been changed by now or else you'd think defenses would have gotten wise.

That's why Wayne also mentioned that 'Omaha' is "not going to be the same thing [vs. New England]."

Whatever the legendary call meant against New England, it worked well enough.

Bryan Altman is, for some reason, an unabashed fan of the Rangers, Jets and Mets. If he absolutely had to pick a basketball team it would be the Knicks, but he'd gladly trade them for just one championship for any of his other three teams.

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